To all of our partners, on behalf of the children we serve, thank you for sharing the cure.
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Sister Foundations
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Fundacion Amigos contra el Cancer Infantil (Friends against Childhood Cancer Foundation) plays a major role in bringing the cure for childhood cancer to the Dominican Republic. As one of the primary partners with Keira Grace Foundation, this Dominican-based foundation works extensively with in-country physicians and in-country facilities.

Brasilia, Brazil
Founded in 2008, CONIACC represents the joining of forces in the movement of support and assistance for children and adolescents with cancer, through the integration of 48 institutions affiliated in all over Brazil. This organization plays a major role in connecting Keira Grace Foundation with physicians and facilities in the most in-need areas of Brazil.
Cali, Colombia
Since 2010, POHEMA, (Pediatras OncoHematologos) based in Cali Colombia has been conducting detailed surveillance of cases of pediatric cancer. This project, Vigicancer, has now been expanded nationally throughout Colombia. The Foundation has evolved from a primary surveillance project to one that includes working with local foundations and other pediatric oncologists throughout Colombia to improve the care and survival of children with cancer.
Resources to Learn More About Pediatric Cancer and the Global Initiative
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation (CCCF) is a national nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to educate, support, serve and advocate for families of children with cancer, survivors of childhood cancer and the professionals who care for them.
The Pediatric Cancer Foundation, exists to raise money to fund pediatric cancer research. Their focus is to fund research which will lead to the elimination of pediatric cancer worldwide.
The National Children’s Cancer Society (NCCS) provides emotional, financial and educational support to children with cancer, their families and survivors.
Childhood Cancer International was founded in 1994, as an umbrella organization of childhood cancer grassroots and national parent organizations. Today, CCI is the largest patient support organization for childhood cancer. It is a global, parent-driven non-profit that represents more than 170 parent organizations, childhood cancer survivor associations, childhood cancer support groups, and cancer societies, in over 90 countries, across 5 continents.
The World Health Organization’s Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer, established in 2018, brings together stakeholders from around the world and across sectors with the joint goal of increasing the survival rate of children with cancer globally to at least 60% by 2030 while reducing their suffering and improving their quality of life.